Friday, February 19, 2010

Scavenger Hunt Day

Thursday was a pretty relaxed day here in Vienna. We had our normal math classes till twelve and then went to lunch around one. After lunch we came up into the classroom and had a meeting about our scavenger hunt items. Almost everything was found, which was good. After discussing our items, we hopped onto the subway and took off trying to find the most important items on our lists, and the most interesting. We saw a whole new part of the city, and the U.S Consulate. Then we walked through the alleyways of the city. They were absolutely GORGEOUS. While walking through them we stopped at one of the best candy store I have ever been to. While walking to the candy store we saw a car jacking attempt. It added a little excitement seeing a guy jump into some lady's SUV while she was in a store, but she saw him and ran out screaming and then she called the cops. After finishing our walk through the alleys some of us walked back and saw the city at dusk, and it was beautiful. We got back right in time for dinner. A little bit after dinner we had time in the pool. Overall, it was just another great day in the city.

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