Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Today was our first day in Vienna. We woke up refreshed from a long night's sleep, eager to explore our new urban environment. Traveling the past two days had everyone exhausted and ready to snuggle down into their new, warm beds. We met to discuss our travel plans, and means of transportation through the city for the next ninety days. Concluding our meeting in the morning, we experienced our second meal via the Theresianum Cafeteria. Everyone is still adjusting to the new taste and different texture, but expectations are still positive. We went out into the city to explore, and find anything that may or may not be interesting to see. Everyone successfully activated and added minutes to their cell phones. They are used for emergencies and to keep in contact to Professor Carl Brezovec and his wife, Michelle. We also have the luxury of having an experienced Residential Assistant, Janet, who has studied and lived here in Vienna. She has experience with the city, and an easy going attitude that makes her easily approachable for everyone.

Walking with a group of ten of the sixteen students studying here today, it was cool to notice silence amongst the group. Why, you may ask? It was obvious we all had the same thing on our minds; WOW. The city is different than anything I've ever seen. The buildings show all the signs of being old, but I am unsure which are, or are not. There are statues and other forms of art throughout the city, making it almost like a palace of new experiences for everyone here in the kingdom education. Some enjoyed the local flavor of a common cafe, while a few choice others, [Erin and I] had a small taste of our beloved homeland; The B.K. Lounge! aka Burger King. The city is filled with new experiences and different culture, and I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say we're all excited to get out there and start our new, amazing lives here in "The City of Music".


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